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Programma Open Infrastructure Summit bekend: Volvo Car Corporation, Alibaba Group en GE Digital laten CI/CD, Edge Computing en Cloud Computing usercases zien

Open Infrastructure Summit: meer dan 100 sessies voor developers en gebruikers van open source technologie

Amsterdam, 10 september 2020 - Het programma voor de 2020 Open Infrastructure Summit is vandaag bekend gemaakt en omvat keynotes en sessies van bedrijven zoals Volvo, Workday, Société Générale en Ant Group. De virtuele Open Infrastructure Summit vindt plaats van 19 tot 23 oktober a.s. en omvat meer dan 100 sesses op het gebied van infrastructure, zoals cloud computing, edge computing en security.

De organisatie verwacht duizenden deelnemers uit meer dan 30 open source communities en meer dan 100 landen. De keynotes beginnen op maandag 19 oktober (17.00 uur CET). De sessies zullen focussen op de meest belangrijke issues op het gebied van open infrastructure waarmee internationale organisaties te maken hebben zoals:
  • AI / Machine Learning
  • HPCContainer Infrastructure
  • CI/CD
  • 5G
  • NFV and Edge Computing
  • Cloud Computing: Public, Private and Hybrid
  • Security
Het complete programma is hier te bekijken: https://www.openstack.org/summit/2020/summit-schedule.

Het volledige bericht is hieronder verder te lezen in het Engels:

A critical feature of Open Infrastructure Summit sessions is the collaboration among numerous open source communities, including Airship, Ansible, Ceph, Docker, Kata Containers, Kubernetes, ONAP, OpenStack, Open vSwitch, OPNFV, StarlingX, Zuul and many more. Speaking sessions at the Summit are led by users from global enterprises and research institutions building and operating open infrastructure at scale:
  • Volvo Cars Corporation will reveal how it successfully uses Zuul for continuous integration in a range of different software components, and how Zuul is a game changer that helps them avoid merging broken code. As its team is now working with autonomous driving software in an NVIDIA central car computer, Volvo will share why it relies on cross repo dependencies and the speculative merge feature in their gates, dramatically reducing queues.
  • Ant Group, the leading peer-to-peer payments processor in China, will talk about how they had thousands of tasks scheduled and running in Kata Containers. Some of those tasks are sensitive to resources and response time, so they will present why other isolation methods, such as scheduling isolation and LLC isolation, are used in combination with Kata Containers.
  • GE Digital will present the tools, describe the migration procedure, and highlight the biggest challenges in upgrading from OpenStack Newton to Queens with minimal downtime.
  • Learn how Société Générale, one of the top three French banks with a net banking income of 24.7 billion euros, is leveraging Kolla-Ansible using Neutron routed provider network feature. They are also using the new capability in Glance to import an image into multiple stores in order to provide cloud services in multiple availability zones using a single OpenStack deployment.
  • China Mobile will showcase the automated hardware integration system it built for its NFV cloud project and explain how 50,000 servers have been implemented with plug-and-play.
  • The European Weather Cloud, a joint project between ECMWF (www.ecmwf.int) and EUMETSAT (www.eumetsat.int), is creating an on-site private cloud infrastructure on which Member and Co-operating States(~34 states) are able to create virtual resources on demand to gain access to the Centre’s NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) products and infrastructure (HPC) in a timely and configurable fashion. The ECMWF's infrastructure is based 100% on open source software: OpenStack (Ussuri) and Ceph (Nautilus).
  • Workday is back at the Summit, this time with more than 400k cores in production and a story about its OpenStack footprint with 7K hypervisors distributed over 25 clusters. These numbers are projected to grow over 10K hypervisors by the end of 2020.
Sponsorship Information
Event sponsors gain visibility with a wide array of open source infrastructure developers, operators and decision makers. The OSF team works with sponsors to create a virtual sponsorship that meets the organization’s goals for visibility, conversations and leads. Download the Open Infrastructure Summit sponsor prospectus for more information.

About the OpenStack Foundation
The OpenStack Foundation supports the development and adoption of open infrastructure globally, across a community of over 100,000 individuals in 187 countries, by hosting open source projects and communities of practice, including datacenter cloud, edge computing, NFV, CI/CD and container infrastructure.

De media-invite voor Open Infrastructure Summit volgt volgende week.
Voor vragen of meer info: hilde@speakeasystrategies.com
Verstreken tijd: 4 jaar en 151 dagen
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