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Sophos verbetert beveiliging Android-apparatuur met gratis antivirus- en encryptie-apps

Bescherming bij verlies/diefstal en veilige toegang tot versleutelde documenten

OOSTERHOUT, 27 september 2012Sophos breidt de beveiliging van Android-apparatuur uit met twee gratis apps, de nieuwste versie van Sophos Mobile Security en het geheel nieuwe Sophos Mobile Encryption. Sophos Mobile Security beschermt Android-apparaten tegen malware, privacy-inbreuk en verlies/diefstal. De app richt zich zowel op consumenten als op organisaties die de impact van verlies of diefstal tot een minimum willen beperken en bedrijfsinformatie willen beveiligen tegen ongeautoriseerde toegang. De nieuwe Sophos Mobile Encryption-app richt zich specifiek op gebruikers van de Encryption for Cloud Storage-module in Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise. De app stelt hen in staat om door SafeGuard versleutelde documenten die in Dropbox zijn opgeslagen op een veilige manier te bekijken op hun Android-apparaat.

Pieter Lacroix, Managing Director Nederland bij Sophos: “Steeds meer organisaties zijn op zoek naar mogelijkheden om het Bring of Choose Your Own Device-concept te kunnen implementeren zonder concessies te doen aan de veiligheid van hun bedrijfskritische informatie. Met deze nieuwe apps biedt Sophos deze organisaties complete oplossingen om informatie ook op mobiele devices op een veilige wijze uit te wisselen en inzichtelijk te maken."

Beide apps zijn gratis te downloaden vanaf Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/search?q=sophos&c=apps

Het volledige Engelstalige persbericht kunt hieronder lezen.

Over Sophos
Meer dan 100 miljoen gebruikers in 150 landen rekenen op Sophos voor de beste bescherming tegen complexe bedreigingen en dataverlies. Sophos levert security- en databeschermingsoplossingen die eenvoudig in te zetten, te beheren en te gebruiken zijn. Zo biedt Sophos prijswinnende oplossingen aan voor endpoint security, web security, e-mail security, network security, mobile security en encryptie. Deze worden ondersteund door Sophos Labs, een wereldwijd netwerk van threat intelligence centra. Het hoofdkwartier van Sophos bevindt zich in Oxford (UK) en in Boston (VS). Meer informatie over Sophos vindt u op www.sophos.com.

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Sophos Enhances Mobile Security for Android Devices with Free Anti-Virus and Encryption Apps

Updated mobile security and new mobile encryption apps protect against device loss/theft and provide access to encrypted documents

Boston, MA en Oxford, UK,  27 Sept 2012 - Sophos today announced it has extended protection for Android devices with the release of two free apps. The latest version of Sophos Mobile Security for consumers and the new Sophos Mobile Encryption app secure Android devices against malware and privacy issues, provide loss and theft protection, and allow Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise users to securely access encrypted files stored in the cloud. Both apps are available for free download from Google Play at https://play.google.com/store/search?q=sophos&c=apps

According to the recent Worldwide Smartphone 2012-2016 Forecast Update by IDC1, Android-powered phones make up 69 percent of the smartphone market. Many of these Android owners are using their devices to access business applications and related documents, including those on cloud storage solutions like Dropbox. As such, businesses must ensure data is secure and free from malware regardless of where it is stored or how it is accessed.

Scheduling Malware Scans and Preventing Device Loss
Sophos Mobile Security is a free lightweight anti-virus app that protects Android devices against malware, privacy issues and hardware loss—without reducing performance or battery life. Among the enhancements in the new version, Sophos Mobile Security includes additional loss and theft mitigation features as well as the ability to schedule device scans for malware.

By scheduling scans, users can ensure they are consistently monitoring their devices for the latest malware. The enhanced loss and theft protection features allow pre-selected contacts from a user’s address book to send remote commands to a missing device via text message. These commands can help users find a misplaced phone by sounding a loud ringtone, sending a message to the phone for a finder to read, or wipe the device’s information if it is stolen or permanently lost. These features minimize the impact of losing a device and help to protect corporate data from unauthorized access.

Access Documents Stored in the Cloud
Sophos Mobile Encryption allows Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise customers who use the Encryption for Cloud Storage module to securely view documents saved in Dropbox on their Android device. This ensures data encrypted by SafeGuard before being uploaded to the cloud is protected regardless of where or how the user accesses it. Users simply enter their password, and they can view encrypted documents on their mobile devices without compromising corporate security. An iOS version of this app is already available via Apple’s App Store, and Sophos plans to support further cloud storage providers such as Egnyte and Google Drive with future releases.

“Users want to stay flexible and take advantage of personal apps in their working environment. They use Dropbox to take their data with them and can be tempted to download apps from stores other than Google Play. As Android increases its global market share, Android devices and apps are becoming a prime target for data theft and attacks by cybercriminals. It has never been more important for individuals to have security applications on their devices,” said Matthias Pankert, vice president, product management, Sophos. “Our mobile security and encryption apps make it simple for Android users to have secure access to data no matter where it is stored or accessed, and provide organizations with peace of mind if a device is lost or stolen.” 

For more information about Sophos Mobile Security or Sophos Mobile Encryption, please visit the mobile section of our website.

To download the free apps, visit: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=sophos&c=apps
Please note that Sophos Mobile Encryption can only be used in combination with SafeGuard Enterprise Encryption for Cloud Storage.
Verstreken tijd: 12 jaar en 137 dagen
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