Amsterdam, 23 april 2024 – HashiCorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCP), een toonaangevende leverancier van multi-cloud infrastructure automation software, heeft vandaag ‘The Infrastructure Cloud™’ geïntroduceerd; een samenvoeging van haar producten tot één platform dat volledig geïntegreerde oplossingen biedt voor Infrastructure Lifecycle Management en Security Lifecycle Management in meerdere clouds.
Om op de juiste manier in de cloud te werken is een systematische aanpak van de twee belangrijkste aspecten van het runnen van cloudomgevingen noodzakelijk: Infrastructure Lifecycle Management (ILM) en Security Lifecycle Management (SLM). De vandaag geïntroduceerde Infrastructure Cloud, die via het HashiCorp Cloud Platform wordt aangeboden als een cloud-managed SaaS service, is een enterprise-ready platform, met volledig geïntegreerde oplossingen voor zowel ILM als SLM.
- Infrastructure Lifecycle Management (ILM) maakt gebruik van infrastructure as code workflows, een record systeem voor cloud resources, en functionaliteiten om de infrastructure lifecycle te management, van Day 0 - Day N, gebruikmakend van HCP Terraform, HCP Packer, and HCP Waypoint.
- Security Lifecycle Management (SLM) maakt gebruik van identity-based security workflows, een record systeem voor vertrouwelijke data (credentials, certificaten, keys en klantdata) en functionaliteiten om de security lifecycle te managen, gebruikmakend van HCP Vault, HCP Vault Radar en HCP Boundary.
"Sinds onze oprichting meer dan tien jaar geleden heeft HashiCorp de grootste internationale organisaties geholpen met hun cloud-traject. We hebben met eigen ogen gezien hoe transformerend cloudadoptie kan zijn voor bedrijven en hoeveel werk het kost om die waarde te realiseren," zegt Armon Dadgar, CTO en co-founder bij HashiCorp. "De Infrastructure Cloud is speciaal gebouwd om tegemoet te komen aan de uitdagingen van bedrijven die zich in verschillende stadia van cloudvolwassenheid bevinden en die hun Infrastructure en Security Lifecycle Management moeten consolideren om de ontwikkeling van nieuwe applicaties te ondersteunen. We denken dat onze nieuwe aanpak voldoet aan deze behoefte en we kijken ernaar uit om met klanten samen te werken om hun cloudaanpak te moderniseren."
Het volledige Engelstalige persbericht is hieronder te vinden:
HashiCorp unveils The Infrastructure Cloud, a unified platform for cloud Infrastructure and Security Lifecycle Management
HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) enables enterprise customers to do cloud right to increase speed, reduce cost, and mitigate risk
New York, Apr. 23, 2024 – HashiCorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCP), a leader in multi-cloud infrastructure automation software, today introduced The Infrastructure Cloud™, a unification of its products onto a single platform, the HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP), which delivers fully integrated solutions for Infrastructure Lifecycle Management and Security Lifecycle Management across multiple clouds.
The cloud promised to deliver transformative business benefits for speed, cost, and risk. However, nearly two decades into the cloud era, enterprises struggle to realize this value. According to enterprise respondents in PwC’s 2023 Cloud Business Survey, 78% of companies have adopted cloud in most or all parts of their business, but only 10% felt they were truly a cloud-powered organization.
Doing cloud right means taking a systematic approach to the two key aspects of running cloud environments, from deployment to deprecation — Infrastructure Lifecycle Management (ILM) and Security Lifecycle Management (SLM). For ILM, an organization’s platform and operations teams build, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of their cloud infrastructure over time. For SLM, an organization’s operations and security teams protect and inspect the sensitive elements in their cloud estate including secrets, certificates, keys, or customer data, and then securely connect the elements using least-privileged access for people, machines, and services.
“Since our founding over a decade ago, HashiCorp has been helping the world’s largest enterprises on their cloud journey. We’ve witnessed firsthand how transformative cloud adoption can be for businesses and how much work it takes to realize that value,” said Armon Dadgar, CTO and Co-Founder at HashiCorp. “The Infrastructure Cloud was built specifically to meet the challenges faced by companies at the many different stages of cloud maturity who need to consolidate their Infrastructure and Security Lifecycle Management to support the development of new applications. We think this new approach meets these needs, and we look forward to working with customers to modernize their cloud approach.”
As part of the efforts to unify HashiCorp’s offerings onto HCP, starting today HashiCorp Terraform Cloud is now HCP Terraform, joining the HCP portfolio of products. Customers can adopt HCP as a common platform for HashiCorp SaaS solutions and managed services, with access to cross-product workflows for common use cases and a 30-day proof-of-value period in production for HCP Terraform and HCP Packer.
The Infrastructure Cloud, delivered via HCP as a cloud-managed SaaS service, provides an enterprise-ready platform, with fully integrated solutions for both ILM and SLM:
- Infrastructure Lifecycle Management (ILM) uses infrastructure as code workflows, a system of record for cloud resources, and capabilities to manage the lifecycle of infrastructure, from Day 0 to Day N, using HCP Terraform, HCP Packer, and HCP Waypoint.
- Security Lifecycle Management (SLM) uses identity-based security workflows, a system of record for sensitive information (credentials, certificates, keys, customer data), and capabilities to manage the lifecycle of security using HCP Vault, HCP Vault Radar, and HCP Boundary.
The HashiCorp Cloud Platform enables enterprises to implement infrastructure and security lifecycle management via a multi-tenant and enterprise-ready SaaS offering that provides:
- Quicker time to value with minimal time to provision a service and execute a first action: provision infrastructure as code, protect a secret, deploy a workload as code.
- Lower operational costs by offloading the infrastructure costs of self-hosting and managing services.
- Continuous innovation and delivery to the platform of new services as they become available.
- Seamless upgrades to minimize the burden on in-house operations and support.
The Infrastructure Cloud reflects HashiCorp’s decade-plus of experience helping the world's largest enterprises adopt and automate the cloud to achieve meaningful business benefits by doing cloud right. HashiCorp is trusted by more than 4,300 customers worldwide – across diverse industries like financial services, retail, public sector, and more – including 480 of the Global 2000. As the cloud has developed and matured, organizations have relied on HashiCorp products to successfully move to the cloud and manage their cloud deployments. HashiCorp is bringing this experience and track record of success addressing infrastructure and security lifecycle issues and delivering those in HCP: a single, cost-controlled, consumable platform.
“SaaS products for managing cloud infrastructure provide several benefits to customers compared to self-hosted products, including faster release cycles, less stringent resource requirements, and improved cost controls,” said Stephen Elliot, Group Vice President, I&O and Cloud Operations, IDC. “Technology leadership teams should consider and plan for the people, process, technology, and business outcomes that the SaaS model can deliver, notably when transforming security and operations capabilities that drive speed, scale, and advancements in managing growing complexity."
About HashiCorp
HashiCorp is The Infrastructure Cloud™ company, helping organizations automate multi-cloud and hybrid environments with Infrastructure Lifecycle Management and Security Lifecycle Management. HashiCorp offers The Infrastructure Cloud on the HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) for managed cloud services, as well as self-hosted enterprise offerings and community source-available products. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, California. For more information, visit