Amsterdam, 28 juni 2023 -- HashiCorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCP) aanbieder van multi-cloud infrastructuurautomatisering software, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het
BluBracket, een innovator in codebeveiliging voor ontwikkelaars en security engineers, heeft overgenomen. Met deze overname breidt HashiCorp zijn productportfolio uit en stelt het klanten in staat de volledige secrets inventory te managen.
BluBracket stelt organisaties in staat risico's te voorkomen, te detecteren en op te lossen in meerdere bedreigingsvectoren, waaronder broncode, ontwikkelomgevingen en code pipelines. Met de mogelijkheden van BluBracket kunnen bedrijven veilige code leveren zonder dat dit ten koste gaat van de snelheid of de workflows van developers, zodat hun teams veilig nieuwe applicaties kunnen bouwen en leveren. BluBracket's voortdurende secrets scanning zal de secrets management functionaliteit van HashiCorp Vault aanvullen om onbedoelde lekken en secret sprawl te helpen voorkomen.
"We zijn er trots op BluBracket bij HashiCorp te mogen verwelkomen", zegt Dave McJannet, CEO van HashiCorp. "Security is van cruciaal belang voor cloudplatformteams om orde en consistentie te creëren in de cloudimplementatie van hun organisatie, en BluBracket zal HashiCorp Vault helpen uit te breiden naar nieuwe gebieden als onderdeel van een uitgebreidere levenscyclus voor secrets management."
Het volledige Engelstalige persbericht is hier te lezen:
HashiCorp Acquires BluBracket to Expand its Secrets Management Capabilities
BluBracket’s code security product will complement and expand HashiCorp Vault
SAN FRANCISCO -- June 28, 2023 -- HashiCorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCP), a leader in multi-cloud infrastructure automation software, today announced it has acquired BluBracket, an innovator in code security for developers and security engineers. With this acquisition, HashiCorp is expanding its product portfolio to enable customers to discover and manage their entire secrets inventory.
BluBracket lets organizations prevent, find, and fix risks across multiple threat vectors including source code, development environments, and code pipelines. With BluBracket’s capabilities, companies can ship secure code without compromising speed or changing developer workflows, so their teams can securely build and deliver new applications. BluBracket’s ongoing scanning of secrets will complement HashiCorp Vault’s secrets management functionality to help prevent accidental leaks and secret sprawl.
BluBracket was founded by industry veterans who previously founded Vera Security, and who’ve supported security initiatives for many of the world’s largest companies.
“We are excited to welcome BluBracket to HashiCorp,” said Dave McJannet, CEO, HashiCorp. “Security is critical for cloud platform teams as they bring order and consistency to their companies’ cloud adoption efforts, and BluBracket will help HashiCorp Vault expand into new areas as part of a more comprehensive lifecycle of managing secrets.”
“BluBracket is proud to be joining HashiCorp,” said Prakash Linga, co-founder & CEO, BluBracket. “We have long admired HashiCorp and believe our product will enrich HashiCorp Vault's secrets management user experience. We look forward to working with the HashiCorp team on building our product into Vault and collaborating on the full lifecycle of secrets management for the cloud.”
HashiCorp will initially integrate BluBracket’s functionality into HashiCorp Vault as part of ongoing efforts to expand HashiCorp’s zero trust capabilities with full secret lifecycle management by adding detection and remediation workflows, with new product capabilities expected later this year.
For more information, please read HashiCorp’s blog post
About HashiCorp
HashiCorp is a leader in multi-cloud infrastructure automation software. The HashiCorp software suite enables organizations to adopt consistent workflows and create a system of record for automating the cloud: infrastructure provisioning, security, networking, and application deployment. HashiCorp’s portfolio of products includes Vagrant™, Packer™, Terraform®, Vault™, Consul®, Nomad™, Boundary™, and Waypoint™. HashiCorp offers products as open source, enterprise, and as managed cloud services. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, though most of HashiCorp employees work remotely, strategically distributed around the globe. For more information, visit or follow HashiCorp on Twitter
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